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Welcome to A Purrfect Start!
P. O. Box 955 Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 448-1488
River's Web Page

Domestic Long Hair / Mixed  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Baby  : :  Medium

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About River

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • Housetrained: Yes
River and his littermates, Mushroom, Quail, Dove, Wyatt, Wynonna and Granite along with their mother Angel Paw, have been in foster care since they were two weeks old. They have grown and done wonderful considering the size of the litter. They are FIV/Leukemia neg., flea and worm treated. He will be neutered and receive his vaccines on 7-20-09. They are all very friendly and social. River and Granite look similiar but River's hair is a little longer and he has a kink in his tail. They were born on 4-26-2009.

Last Updated: 3/11/2025 12:04 PM
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